In 2011 PeaceWomen monitored 11 Thematic Open Debates in the Chamber, witnessing the adoption of 2 related Resolutions and 6 related Presidential Statements. Out of 11 thematic debates monitored, only 5 could be characterised as containing any significant discourse on gender and Women, Peace and Security (WPS), measured here by statements or the adoption of a resolution or Presidential Statement (PRST) containing action-specific language on 1325 implementation. These 5 debates included: The Interdependence between Security and Development, Impact of HIV/AIDS in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, Children and Armed Conflict, Security Sector Reform, and the Protection of Civilians in Conflict Situations (9 November).
It should be noted that the majority of Member State statements contained generic references on the need to mainstream gender into all prevention, peacebuilding and mediation work and on the importance of fostering better roles for women at the decision making level. While necessary, such references represent an insufficient level of commitment by Member States in the 11th year of implementing resolutions on women, peace and security.
Despite representing a disappointing year for Women, Peace and Security overall, 2011 did witness some progress. One significant Thematic Debate from a WILPF perspective was the annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, which took place in October 2011 marking the 11th anniversary of SCR 1325. This Debate followed the high-profile year of the 10th anniversary which saw notable advances, including the creation of UN Women, the adoption of SCR 1960 and the development of SCR 1889 indicators. The development and eventual commencement of monitoring and reporting mechanisms for sexual violence in conflict as mandated by SCR 1960 (2010) was also discussed by Member States during debates including the bi-annual meeting on Protection of Civilians in Conflict (May 12 and November 9).