The INCORE Summer School provides a structured learning opportunity to analyse the dynamic and constantly changing field of conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Focusing on the latest research and concepts in peace and conflict studies and practice; participants are invited to compare, contrast and learn from different perspectives.
The School offers a unique opportunity to create links between theory, practice and policy. Special attention is given to how the experience and research of both practitioners and academics can impact upon policy makers within the field of conflict resolution, peacemaking, peacebuilding and reconciliation.
Previous participants have included USAID, European Union DG External Relations, UK Department for International Development, World Food Programme, UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and others.
The INCORE Summer School is recognised by UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) Programme of Correspondence Instruction in Peacekeeping Operations, and may form part of The Certificate-of-Training In Peace Support Operations (COTIPSO) Programme. Visit for further details.
The 2011 International Summer School will run from 13th - 17th June.
This year we are offering three courses:
Evaluation in Conflict Prone Settings
Interpersonal Reconciliation after Violent Political Conflict
Peacemaking and Peacebuilding: Exploring Lessons from Northern Ireland
Alongside these modules we also run the Northern Ireland programme to provide participants with an opportunity to network with others, gaining a deeper insight into into the causes and consequences of the conflict in Northern Ireland. The Transitional Justice Institute at the University of Ulster will be running their Summer School entitled “Gender, Conflict and Transition” in the same week as the INCORE Summer School. Participants from the TJI Summer School will join INCORE Summer School participants during the Northern Ireland Programme and for social events.
Learn more here.